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You may have heard already that our CEO, Mike (or as he’s now known – ‘Marathon Mike’) was planning to run the Melbourne Marathon on October 10th – that’s right – all 42.195 kms of it.

Now its looking unlikely that the official marathon will go ahead… but that’s not going to slow ‘Marathon Mike’ down! Stay tuned for an update next week…

As you may know – like many not for profit organisations, Courage to Care has not been able to hold face to face fundraising events so to continue our work we need to raise funds. We set a target to raise $10,000 and we are more than 75% of the way there! We would love your support to help us reach our goal.

Your donation will help us deliver Upstander Programs to students across Victoria, educating on the dangers of racism, discrimination and prejudice – this is more important now than ever.

All donations are greatly appreciated, no matter how great or small.

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