Make a Donation

Want to instigate real change? Consider philanthropic giving 

Courage to Care welcomes gifts from trusts, foundations and private ancillary funds to help us continually deliver
and innovate our programs and extend our reach in the community.

We are grateful for the support of Trusts & Foundations, including:

  • Gandel Foundation
  • Besen Family Foundation
  • B’nai B’rith Victoria
  • Erdi  Foundation
  • Goldman Lazarus Family
  • Jack & Robert Smorgon Family Foundation
  • Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation
  • Marquil Foundation
  • Peachtree Capital
  • Victor Smorgon Charitable Fund

We have a number of projects that we’d be delighted to discuss with you.
Please contact our CEO Mike Zervos at

We have delivered Upstander Programs to more than 175,000 students across Victoria.

It is only with the support of our wonderful community that we can truly make racism and discrimination a thing of the past.

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