Make a Donation

Your support keeps us going

We’ve delivered our Upstander Program to more than 175,000 students across Victoria at no cost to schools. And it’s all thanks to the support of our wonderful community.

Every little bit counts

Whether financial, moral or in-kind, the help of our supporters is what keeps us going. It’s what ensures the legacy of Holocaust survivors and the acts of the Righteous Among the Nations lives on. And it’s what helps promote Upstander behaviour within our own communities.

Each and every donation helps us to:

  • Develop and distribute high-quality educational materials to teachers and students
  • Continually innovate and improve our Upstander Programs
  • Recruit, train and support our hardworking volunteers
  • Bring Upstander Programs to regional and rural locations
  • Ensure we have a strong governance framework

We continue to strive for more

To continue delivering our mission, we welcome your support. By giving now, you can help us spread the message of acceptance and action, well into the future.

Find out more about how you can support our work below, or make a donation today. 

We have delivered Upstander Programs to more than 175,000 students across Victoria.

It is only with the support of our wonderful community that we can truly make racism and discrimination a thing of the past.

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