Courage to Care is delighted that volunteer Louis Roller has been recognised as a Member of the Order of Australia AM in the King’s Birthday honours.
Louis has been honoured for significant service to the pharmacy profession through education and governance.
Louis joined Courage to Care in February 2018. He is an enthusiastic and extremely committed volunteer willing to step in at the last minute.Louis volunteers with Courage to Care as a child survivor of the Holocaust and shares the story of his survival with groups of students whose schools request one of our Programs. While at the time of his initial involvement we offered a Senior Years Program suitable for secondary year students, particularly for Years 8 and above, we now also offer a Middle Years Program specifically catering for students in Years 5 – 7. Louis has presented frequently at both Programs, modifying his presentation appropriately for the age of the students involved.
Although recounting his experiences as a young child and the impact of the Holocaust on his parents and siblings is, each time, a significantly emotional experience, he does so willingly. At times he may make such presentations twice in a day to different classes and more than once a week. He is truly committed to this task and remains very enthusiastic about the importance of the message that the Courage to Care Program delivers to students.
We are also thrilled that our CEO, Michael (Mike) Zervos has been honoured with an Order of Australia OAM.
B’nai B’rith Courage to Care Victoria appointed Mike as its first CEO in August 2018.
Mike as particularly drawn to Courage to Care’s Upstander message and mission of informing and educating on the dangers of prejudice, racism and bullying. Mike is exceptionally proud of how well the organisation has reached into schools and the broader community with over 160,000 students experiencing the programs as well as the expansion into “fee for service” educating teachers and other adults across the community.
Mike is honoured for his extensive experience in the not-for-profit sector spanning over 20 years in leadership roles at the Make a Wish Foundation, Alannah and Madeline Foundation and Guide Dogs Victoria before joining Courage to Care. He was pivotal in the creation of Alannah and Madeline Foundation’s eSmart programs in schools. He is a qualified CPA with a corporate career both in Australia and internationally.
Congratulations Louis & Mike – we are so proud of both of you!