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Our CEO Mike Zervos recently had the pleasure of once again visiting with Sarah Saaroni, one of our amazing Holocaust Survivor speakers. Sarah generously donated two more of her sculptures to Courage to Care.

Both sculptures gifted to Courage to Care depict “youth” drawing on the work that Sarah does at Courage to Care with school students.

Sarah fell in love with art when she was a refugee in post-war Europe and who subsequently taught herself to sculpt. Sarah is looking to find her amazing masterpieces new homes around Australia and the world as she moves from a house to an apartment.

Many of her pieces are inspired by her own childhood experiences and are featured in private homes, synagogues and museums around the world, including Yad Vashem in Israel.

In 2015, Sarah was awarded an Order of Australia (OAM) for promoting tolerance and diversity and currently volunteers for Courage to Care, educating children about the dangers of prejudice, racism, and discrimination.

Sarah continues to inspire with her positive energy and attitude. Sarah is a true Upstander!

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