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Dear Courage to Care friends and supporters.

Writing to you as Chair of Courage to Care, I feel moved by the Courage to Care community and the achievements we’ve accomplished together.

Last year we celebrated 30 years of action to make racism and discrimination a thing of the past. I can’t thank you enough for the essential part you’ve played so far.

But now it’s time for our next phase of growth, and we have an ambitious target: to raise $100K so that we can DOUBLE the number of students we reach over the next four years.

Sadly, we’re living through a time in history where the incidence of racism and discrimination is trending in the wrong direction. 

The Scanlon Institute published research that found prejudiced attitudes towards particular groups are still widely held in Australian society. [1]

And this is what the data showed:

68% of people hold negative feelings or attitudes towards one or more religious or non-European immigrant group.

So what can we do to change this?

Here at Courage to Care, we know the answer: Education.

We also know that our Upstander Programs work – with teachers reporting an 86% increase in students demonstrating Upstander behaviour after completion.

Now, we’re setting out to double that impact.

This is only made possible by a small group of extremely generous supporters, who have committed to match every dollar we raise from this annual appeal.

Will you help us reach more students than ever before so we can create a generation of Upstanders?

Donate today. And you will double your impact.

Thank you for your continued support.

In gratitude,

Judy Glick
Chair, Courage to Care Victoria


P.S. Please have a look at our Annual Review, showcasing our recent highlights.

P.P.S. Remember: Your gift today will be doubled by our generous supporters. Help us achieve our mission of creating a generation of Upstanders.

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