In Victoria’s’ most recent lockdown as always, Courage to Care considers the safety of our volunteers and the schools we interact with as our highest priority.
We continue to monitor the current lockdown conditions and modify our Upstander Program delivery and activities accordingly. Wherever possible we are working hard to reschedule planned programs to a later date.
Most recently we have had to postpone our planned Exhibition in Echuca where around 1,200 students were booked to experience our Upstander Programs. This is frustrating and a challenge for us all – especially our dedicated volunteers – but a chance for us all to demonstrate the Upstander messages we share.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderfully resilient, flexible and supportive volunteers, teaching community and our own Courage to Care team members for their unwavering passion and dedication.
For more information on any planned Upstander Programs please contact the Courage to Care team and they will get back to you ASAP.