The fallout since October 7 has been confronting, upsetting and anxiety ridden for so many of our community. The vile and rapid increase in antisemitism right here in our backyard has shocked us, and now the repugnant antisemitic graffiti over the weekend at Mt Scopus College has left us shaken.
As a retired teacher, and mother of now grown-up children who went to a Jewish school in Melbourne, I feel shocked, saddened and angry.
This simply should not be happening in the multicultural Australia that we know and love.
As Chair of Courage to Care Victoria an organisation that for thirty years has been committed to educating young people about the dangers of discrimination and prejudice, I feel galvanised.
Every week our wonderful volunteers educate and empower students right across the state to stand up against hate speech and to call out injustice.
Now, more than ever, our Upstander message is needed. For young people and adults alike. We can no longer be silent in the face of hate.
At Courage to Care, we remain more committed than ever before to create a generation of Upstanders against hate. We will continue to deliver our Upstander Programs to schools at no charge, reaching as many of our future leaders as we possibly can.
The time has come for us all to stand up against hate. We need strong, decisive leadership now at every level. There are many community organisations like Courage to Care working against the rising tide of hate speech, and they all need our support. Its time for all hands-on deck, and to all work together as Upstanders.
Judy Glick
Chair, Courage to Care Vic