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The Secondary Years Program delivery training includes a combination of online modules, practical face-to-face workshops with trainers, personal learning with mentors, and on-the-ground supervised practice at schools.

Scroll down for details of training modules and to register.
When you’re ready, continue with our Ongoing Learning modules.

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Observe a school workshop

Trainees observe school workshops at specific stages in their training.

On commencing, observe as a reality check: is this really something you want to do?

Later, you observe lead facilitators (at least twice) to study how they do it.

Finally, you facilitate a student group (at least twice) supervised by a lead facilitator to demonstrate your competence.

Check the roster and nominate which school bookings you are available to attend.



SYP1 – Fundamentals for the delivery of the Secondary Years Program 

Online module, approx 1.5 hr to complete in your own time

Module covers program overview, equipment and resources, team roles, administrative requirements, and logistics.


EQ – Equipment familiarisation and practice

Book a one-hour session (EQ1) to familiarise yourself with the equipment and digital resource you’ll be using to present the program. A trainer will be available for assistance.

Later in your training, you can book a two-hour session (EQ2) and bring in your buddy or another Lead facilitator to practice or workshop your facilitation using the equipment.


FD1 – Facilitation Skills

An online training module + quiz that provides the foundation facilitation skills and ideas that will help you to effectively engage students in discussion.


FD2 – Facilitation Skills practice

Practice what you’ve learned in FD1 in this intensive live workshop, ask questions and develop what works for you.

FD1 is a pre-requisite for this workshop.

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