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We recently shared with you that our CEO Mike Zervos (or as he’s now known – Marathon Mike) would be running the Melbourne Marathon and raising much-needed funds for Courage to Care.

Well since that time lockdown has of course impacted the scheduled marathon, due to take place on 10 October… but that’s not going to slow Marathon Mike down!

Mike is determined to complete the marathon, and has charted his own (lockdown-compliant) course – all 42.195kms of it!

Mike shares his plans with us below.

“I agreed to this in a weaker moment – definitely as a way to lose the COVID kilos, and fundraise for Courage to Care at the same time. To continue our work we need to raise funds and so far the community has been incredibly generous in donating close to $10,000. All donations will help us to deliver Upstander Programs to students across Victoria, educating on the dangers of racism, discrimination and prejudice.

With a very early start I plan to run about half the distance under strict COVID compliant rules, I’ll be then setting off for the remaining 21kms at 8.30am from the Middle Brighton Sea Baths. I’ll be heading along the Elwood foreshore and Beaconsfield Parade passing St. Kilda Baths , turning around at Port Melbourne and legs and blisters permitting finishing back at the Brighton Sea Baths time around 11.30am.

A sincere thank you to the wonderful Courage to Care community, who like always have rallied to throw their support behind us so we can continue to do our important work, creating a generation of Upstanders”

There is still time to get behind Marathon Mike – click the link below to show your support and donate today.

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