Make a Donation

Many supporters of Courage to Care elect to leave the organisation a gift in their Will.  A Gift in Will – formally known as a bequest – ensures your personal values live on through the important work of Courage to Care.


Leaving a legacy gift is a wonderful way to ensure that we can keep inspiring young people to be Upstanders. Courage to Care relies almost entirely on the generosity of people like you. A bequest shows your willingness to invest in a world free of discrimination and racism.
If you would like to know more, please contact us for a confidential chat by emailing or by calling (02) 9321 6301.


It’s simple to include a bequest

All your solicitor needs is our ABN (57 735 969 893) and registered name – B’nai B’rith Courage to Care (NSW) Inc. Even a gift of 1% of your estate to Courage to Care will sustain our future activities and ensure your loved ones are still provided for.


Five simple steps to give in your Will

  1. Consider the family, friends and charities that you would like to remember in your Will.
  2. Choose the type of bequest you would like to leave. A “residual” gift (the remainder after other gifts have been fulfilled) will have the most impact. Your intended gift won’t decrease in value over time.
  3. Provide your solicitor with your chosen charities’ ABN (ours is 57 735 969 893).
  4. Ensure your Will is legal by asking a solicitor or estate planner to prepare it.
  5. Help us to ensure your vision for the future is fulfilled by letting us know.


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