Make a Donation


By educating tomorrow’s generation about the dangers of racism, prejudice and intolerance, you can help us make the world a better place.

All donations, no matter how great or small, will help us deliver Upstander Programs to schools across NSW, QLD and the ACT free of charge. By helping us reach more people with our important message, your support will contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious society – one that leaves intolerance and hate in the past.

Your support keeps us going.

We’ve delivered Upstander Programs to more than 250,000 people across Australia. And it’s all thanks to the support of our wonderful community.

Every little bit counts.

Whether financial, moral, in-kind or through Gifts In Will, the help of our supporters is what keeps us going. And it’s what helps us promote Upstander behaviour within our own communities.

Each and every donation enables us to:

  • Develop and distribute high-quality educational materials to teachers and students

  • Continually innovate and improve our Upstander Programs

  • Bring our traveling exhibition program to more regional communities

  • Ensure we have a strong governance framework

  • Reach more people with our important message


We have delivered programs to more than 250,000 people across Australia.

Demand for our service is growing rapidly. We doubled in size in 2023, and we’re set to double again in 2024.  You can help us reach more people with our important message.


Donate Now