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Help us build a more harmonious society by becoming a Member of Courage to Care 


Demonstrate your support of Courage to Care NSW by becoming a Member. Your Membership signals your support, involvement, and commitment to the important work of our various programs and initiatives.


What’s included?


As a Full Member, you will receive regular updates on the activities of Courage to Care, you’ll be invited to a variety of free events featuring interesting and relevant speakers, and you’ll receive a complimentary membership of Friends of B’nai B’rith.  Membership also entitles you to vote at the Courage to Care AGM, which is held towards the end of each calendar year.

If you are already a financial member of B’nai B’rith, we offer a special discounted rate to join Courage to Care of just $10.

You can also join as a Friend of Courage to Care.  Friends of C2C will not be afforded voting rights or become a B’nai B’rith Friend, but will still receive the other benefits available to Members.


The generosity of our supporters has enabled us to touch the lives of hundreds of thousands of people all over NSW, Queensland and the ACT. Please join us as we embark on the next exciting phase of our growth and impact. Thank you again for your support and working with us to make a difference.


To sign up, click Join Now below




Full Member:                                        $60

Friend of C2C:                                      $30

Existing B’nai B’rith Member:              $10

Student:                                                 $10



* Please note that Courage to Care Membership Contributions are not donations and are therefore not tax deductible.

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